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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • When will my roster be finalized? What if there are students coming and going during the first two weeks of classes?
-The Add/Drop Period for Fall 2022 ends Monday, September 12. This means that a student can join or drop your class as late as close of business on September 12. Therefore, it's important that you check your class roster before each session. If a student is added to your class, they cannot be penalized for absences prior to that and you must help them get up to speed on the course.
  • What do I do if a student on the wait list for my class shows up to class/office hours/emails me?
-Faculty do not manage the wait lists for their class. If you are approached by a student who wants to be added to your class, tell them to check with their advisor. The wait list process is automated and managed by advisors and the Registrar's office. 
  • What if a student gets off the wait list for my class and missed the first several meetings? Do they need to make up the work? Do the missed class meetings count against them within my attendance policy?
-Yes the student needs to make up the work they missed. It is best to set a meeting with the student to discuss the work that was missed with them and set a schedule for when that make up work will be due. Please make sure all communication setting this up is done over your AU email address. Also, students cannot be penalized for missing class session prior to being enrolled in the class. 
  • Am I allowed to cancel a class?
-If you are suddenly ill or have a family emergency, you are able to cancel class. You are responsible for contacting Laura BonDurant at to let her know as well as emailing your students. You need to confirm what they are to do in place of class that day (email you an assignment that was due that day, create a discussion group about the reading that was to be discussed that day, adjust the schedule of remaining meetings, etc.)
-If you know in advance you will not be able to attend a meeting day of class, you need to work with your Division Director or Course Coordinator as soon as you are aware of this conflict to find a substitute instructor/ lecturer for the day. You may not just cancel class in this instance. 
  • What if I need to book a room on campus for a class related need?
-If you need to book a room for a study session or to proctor a make up exam or something else related to the event Blake or Johanna can book a room for you. Please give them 7 business days notice to book a room. 
  • Can I have a guest speaker come to class? Will I be able to offer them a stipend, free parking, or some sort of gift?
-Students love guest speakers! SOC does encourage incorporating them into class when possible. However, SOC does not have a budget to compensate guest speakers. If they require a fee, unfortunately SOC will not be able to accommodate that request.  
-Guest Speakers do get free parking. Make sure you contact Hannah or Alyssa a week in advance of the speaker coming so they can reserve their complementary parking and be able to forward the electronic pass to the guest  before their campus visit. 
-Some Division Directors do try and have an inventory of SOC or division-branded gifts for speakers. Please check with your division director a few days in advance of the visit to see if there is anything available to give away. 
  • How do I stay alert for any weather related or other emergencies that might be happening on or around campus? 

-Your AU email is automatically subscribed to all weather and emergency notices. Please make sure you check it regularly, especially if we are expecting bad weather. Your cell phone needs to be set up manually.

-It is important that you update your Rave account with correct emails and cells phone numbers. Community members can manage their Rave Alerts account through the online portal by clicking here.

-If you are in class and using the instructor computer, all AU networked computers will flash with any emergency notices.

-If classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, CTRL offers several resources as guidance to lead class virtually. For more details, click here.

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