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Submitting Syllabus & Office Hours 


Please send Blake or Johanna your syllabus as a PDF or Word document by the end of the second week of your class. Be mindful that your division directors will likely expect to review your syllabus prior to the semester beginning. Make sure you consult the "Syllabi Resources" tab on this site to make sure you have all the required sections covered in your syllabus before sharing it with your division directors or students.

Office Hours

Adjuncts are not required to host weekly in-person office hours, but many adjuncts do. Some common language used are "by appointment" or "upon request." Some adjuncts also offer more "virtual" options for office hours by sharing their Skype/Zoom  information or their personal cell phone numbers.

Adjuncts have access to reserve time in the adjunct workstation in McKinley T11. (See here for more information about the adjunct workstation.) Many reserve a weekly hour to 90 minute time at the workstation. It can be reserved ad hoc as well to assist students during peak times like midterms or before a large assignment is due.

ACTION ITEMS: Send Blake or Johanna your syllabus by the end of the second week of your class. Submit your adjunct work station reservation requests to Blake or Johanna. Make sure you have clear "office hours" language included in your syllabus. 

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